
My Report Card

[dropcap1]I[/dropcap1]am a firm believer in personal responsibility, accountability, and integrity.  And because a business that caters to people on such a personal and emotional level must develop and nurture such a higher level of trust, I feel that an annual survey by the people I serve should have the ability to provide feedback as to

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Golf Tournament

Any golfers out there ready to support a good cause?  How’d you like to support ‘that’ cause at the Brookside Country club in Pasadena on Monday, June 20th with a bunch of great people? And what if I told you that a Priest (also the Chaplain of the LAPD) is spearheading this cause?  No, he

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Advisory Panel 2009

I would like to get together with a few good clients who would be willing to provide feedback on the services, communication, style, etc. of how I run my practice.  This would be considered an advisory panel intended to help keep my services in line with what is needed.  In return, I will provide you

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