As an Angelino educator, I’m sure you are fully aware of the talk regarding of the possible elimination of the Adult and Career Education Division of the LAUSD for 2012-2013…and beyond. Major personal financial decisions may have to be taken to prepare for (or react to) the possibility of early retirement, a layoff, a reduction in paid hours, and/or starting a new career.
If ever there was a time to “get serious” about your finances, this is it!! Complacency is not an option at this time. This bad news also strikes ‘close to home’ as I once was a credentialed teacher/advisor with the LAUSD adult division. Most of you know that, but for some…yes, “I once walked in your shoes.”
My father had always encouraged me to become a teacher because of the job security, the respect, the fun, the rewarding nature of it, and of course, the solid guaranteed pension for retirement at the end. He grew up knowing that nobody gets eliminated from this career regardless of the State of the Union (or State). My dad and I (and I’m sure you too) agree that a lot has changed between his generation and mine.
So, here we are in 2012 wondering what and how the district is going to take care of you, your retirement, your promised pension, and your career. You have a choice to be proactive and start looking out for yourself, or you can just sit around and “see what happens.” If it was me on the boat, I would at least put on my life vest and note where the life boat was. I would want to be prepared…just in case!! Regardless of what happens, having a solid financial plan and knowing your options will only benefit you in the future.
If you and your colleagues would like to meet in a group or individually to discuss some financial options, I am ready, willing, and able to help those who want to help themselves. The sooner you call, the more time you’ll have to prepare….just in case!